Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Top 10 Crimes Leaders Commit

True leaders realize that they need to keep striving to be genuine leaders. It’s all started from the bottom, getting through the uncomfortable process, until they can reach a higher level of leadership they could possibly achieve. During the process leaders must have made mistakes. Some of the mistakes could be acceptable, but some others are just crucial. We need to get to know what are the most dangerous “crimes” committed by leaders in common.

I have conducted a little survey toward some leaders. I took some of the results into consideration in listing the top 10 crimes leaders commit. Here we go:

#1. Prioritizing self-interest over others’
Followers in general can easily determine whether the leader is being selfish or not. Even if the leader is sneaky enough in manipulating others to fulfill their own interests, it will eventually get revealed somehow. Once a leader loses his or her trust from their followers, the organization will be no longer working out. Keep in mind that your role as a leader is to embrace, develop, and protect your followers. Create a collective goal instead of personal goal. Share it around and make sure that your followers know that you are there for them, NOT for yourself.

#2. Acting too much like a boss
Yes, some leaders are to be the boss in the organization. But acting like “a boss” too much can irritate the people. Acting like one also gives you gap in terms of relationship. Followers need a leader who can also be friends with them. In order to be a good friend, a leader must lower himself to be “equal” with the people. There has to be a good listener within the team members. In fact, great leaders do not have to be bossy when they delegate tasks to the people. They know how to make their followers feel comfortable when delegating tasks.

#3. Being indecisive
Leaders cannot not make decisions. There are leaders who just don’t want to take the blame over the consequences of the decision he/she made, and I tell you that it is a crime for sure. Even in the most puzzling situation (a lose-lose situation for instance) leaders still need to decide. There is no such thing as neutrality, since there are always be pros and cons. Therefore, you might say that it is pointless trying to please everybody in the room. Decisions need to be taken precisely and firmly in order to make a good starting point.

#4. Hands down
Having too much interference will not make the people develop well. If we want to see our people grow, we have to be brave enough to let them make mistakes. Leaders should not be too often telling their people how to finish tasks. Let them be amazed with themselves as they eventually see that they can actually stretch out their potential to the maximum level. A great leader tells the followers where to look without telling what to see.

#5. Hands off
According to crime number 4, it is true that leaders should not have too much interference within the process. However, letting the people be out of sight is not a safety thing either. Leaders still need to play their role as a controller in the team. It is very important to make sure that your people are not going to go out of the track. What I am trying to point out is that great leaders know when they need to get in charge and when they need to back off from the process.

#6. Unwilling to serve others
Keep in mind that all individual is the greatest asset. Not money, not reputation, but people. Many arrogant leaders do not have the willingness to serve their followers and end up being disrespected, left out. You lose nothing by inviting your people to come visit your place and serve them with nice refreshment. Or, people would feel much appreciated if their leaders could spare some time to just sit and listen to their problem during any hard time.

#7. Done with learning already
The darkest hole a leader could fall into is the place where he/she thinks that they do not need to learn anymore. Even smart leaders never think that they are smart enough, therefore they will never stop learning. Once they decide to stop learning, apparently they stop growing as well. In fact, learning can be exercised anywhere, anytime. Start to observe little things around us. Observe not only with our eyes but also heart and mind. Wise leaders should never think that they are the most righteous among others.

#8. Getting stuck with status quo
We need to get used to with changes because everything in this world changes. The only thing that does not change is the change itself. If leaders get totally stuck with the existing status quo, they will surely be left behind. The comfort zone that has been settled over years is like killing you slowly but sure. We can hardly notice it, so stay away from our comfort zone by creating changes. And by changes mean improvement. Not every change is an improvement. Be careful that change could be bad or good, but not changing is definitely harmful.

#9. Failed to prepare the next generation
Every leader has the responsibility to create a long term plan regarding the sustainability of the organization. It will be very unfortunate if what has been built in an organization only lasts for couples of years. Good system and culture do not guarantee the success of organization sustainability. The most important thing that needs to be really well prepared is regeneration. The continuity of existing qualified leaders will sustain what has been developed rather than starting from 2-3 steps back every time there is a change in the leadership level.

#10. Having poor family relationship
Imagine that there is a leader who is quite successful in developing his/her company, yet never got time to play with their own children and never had some quality time with their spouse. Would you still recognize him/her as a leader? A great leader will never neglect their family no matter what. Family has to always come first. Those who are able to lead other people, must also be able to lead their family in the first place. Leaders that have poor relationship with their families are actually in a big trouble. They need to think once again what leadership is all about and start fixing their relationship with each family member.


1 comment:

  1. conclusion: the ideal and perfect leader is the one who committed to those "crimes" then evaluated himself for better self-(and other) improvement.
