Saturday, October 5, 2013

Exit Doors

The Dilemma

We sometimes get situated in the middle of confusion whether to quit is a wrong or right decision, don't we? A lot of wise sayings tell us not to easily give up. That's true. If we fail, we should try again and again and again (with different ways of doing it). However we need to be careful, there's also a very thin line between being persistent and being a fool. So it is very important for us to have the wisdom of determining whether quitting is right or wrong. In certain situation, certain time, certain reasons, to quit might be the best solution. If we pay attention to war strategy, having a retreat doesn't necessarily mean we are to give up. It's just a part of the strategy to obtain the best outcome in a battle.

Indeed, it isn't an easy thing to be able to determine where is the line between persistence and foolishness. Yet, there are signs that we could take them into consideration to make wise decisions. By knowing these signs, it would help us to be more confident when we decide to walk out of the door.

The 4 Signs

You're consistently experiencing more and more frustration. Any kind of situation brings good and bad. But if it brings you negative feelings for a long period of time, you need to consider quitting or making an extreme change. At the end of the day you'll know that it is the right thing to do because you breathe a sigh of relief.

You've put so much effort but keep receiving a little value. There is a time to step back and think once you've sacrificed so much for something or someone, yet you get only a few from it/him/her. It doesn't have to be money. I am talking about intangible value such as happiness, well-being, appreciation, and affection. Get to know which one is worth to fight for.

You've realised that this short term gain will lead to long term pain. There are lots of manipulative things around us. Never get tricked by the things that give you temporary happiness but actually are threatening your future. See with your heart, for eyes could sometimes be deceived.

Your best friends keep telling you to quit. Real best friends think about your interest and put your safety in the first place. They sometime see things clearly more than you do. If majority of your best friends keep reminding you the same thing over and over again, then it's worth to listen to.

The Insight

Remember that there is no black and white in this matter. But once you've seen the signs, it's time to make a move towards the door. For every exit door is an entrance to somewhere else room. Vince Lombardi once said, "Winners never quit, and quitters never win." Well, to me it is not that winners should not quit at all in their lives, but rather than winners should know when and how to quit and then come back with new things.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cewe dan Buku

Cewe Itu Kaya Buku

Menurut gw, cewe itu bisa diibaratkan dengan buku. Cewe itu harus dibaca moodnya, gerak-geriknya, kebiasaannya, pikirannya, dan keinginannya. Cewe agak sulit mengekspresikan apa yg ada dibenak mereka secara utuh dan terbuka, mereka akan jauh lebih senang ketika cowo mampu membaca dan mengerti apa isi dari hati mereka tanpa perlu mereka ungkapkan sendiri.

Begitu banyak buku bertebaran di perpustakaan atau di Gramedia. Kita sebagai cowo bisa pilih buku mana yg sesuai sama selera kita. Sebagian cowo memutuskan untuk ga baca sebuah buku sampai habis ketika mereka udah mulai merasa kesulitan, bingung dan bosen sama isi buku itu. Cowo lebih mending berenti baca buku yg keliatannya mereka udah hopeless bacanya karena itu bikin mereka stress. Setiap salah mengerti dalam membaca keinginan cewe, pasti bakal terjadi konflik. Jadi, ya mending cari buku lain, kan?

Tapi sebenernya ga sesimple itu bro yg jadi bahan pertimbangannya. Soalnya setiap buku itu ngasih kita pengetahuan dan insight yg berbeda-beda. Kadang walaupun kita ga ngerti-ngerti sama isi dari buku tertentu, kita malah bisa jadi tambah penasaran dan pengen ngebaca sampai habis. Dan pastinya ketika kita milih buku buat dibaca, pasti dari awal kita pilih buku itu karena menarik buat kita, kan? Entah dari covernya ataupun sinopsisnya.

Tips Buat Si "Pemilik Buku"

Yang jelas kita perlu memutuskan bener-bener buku mana yang bakal kita baca. Jangan sampai nyesel udah ngehabisin banyak waktu buat baca buku tapi ujung-ujungnya ga suka dan cari lagi buku lain. Kalau kita ga suka sama buku yang kita baca, kita ga bisa merubah (menghapus atau menambahkan tulisan) isi sebuah buku yg udah jadi. Well kalaupun bisa, ceritanya ga bakal seoriginal yg udah dikarang si penulisnya.

Hal lain yang mestinya kita lakukan sebagai pemilik buku adalah sampulin itu buku yg rapih, supaya buku itu ga kotor kena debu, atau basah kena air. Jangan sampai buku itu robek. Makannya kalau pas lagi baca buku, balik halamannya pelan-pelan.

Supaya lebih gampang ngertiin isi dari sebuah buku, ambil stabilo. Garisin kata-kata yang penting dan krusial. Karena begitu kita udah nguasain inti dari buku itu, kita bisa lebih PeDe bawa buku itu kemana-mana buat cerita ke orang-orang sejauh mana kita ngerti isi buku itu.

Baca "Buku"

Saat ini gw lagi ngebaca satu buku yang ngajarin gw apa artinya "ketulusan". Cara ngajar buku ini unik, karena gw harus learning by doing, ada panduan prakteknya. Buku ini memaksa gw buat ngertiin arti "ketulusan" bukan dari teori aja, tapi praktek juga. Disamping itu, buku ini penuh sama yang namanya teka-teki buat dipecahin sendiri. Jadi ketika gw baca buku ini, gw dipaksa mikir banget sampe mentok. Buku ini bukan semacam komik ringan yang bisa dibaca tanpa diselamin dalem-dalem.

Gw udah beberapa kali hampir nyerah karena isinya ga gampang buat dingertiin. Ketika gw udah frustasi banget sama ini buku, gw memutuskan untuk ga baca buku ini dulu selama beberapa waktu. Dan setiap gw mulai lagi baca buku ini, ada baiknya gw baca dari bab 1 lagi pelan-pelan. Emang butuh extra effort. Tapi gw yakin kalau gw bisa baca buku ini sampai habis gw bakal bisa menguasai apa itu "ketulusan" baik secara teori maupun praktek.

Dulu gw sempet jadi pemilik buku ini. Gw bebas baca buku ini kapanpun dimanapun. Di kampus, di mol, di restoran, di kafe, di rumah, dimana-mana. Tapi sekarang udah ga lagi. Buku ini cuma bisa gw baca di toko buku aja. Nanti kalau gw udah layak jadi pemilik buku itu, pasti bakal gw beli balik. (Berharap buku itu ga dibeli orang lain duluan)


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Two Sided YOLO

This recent popular acronym called YOLO (You Only Live Once) has been used over and over again by various ranges of people. Some of the young generations take it as their personal beliefs. Well, I find it interesting to observe the actual meaning behind the word YOLO itself. Although many use the same word, not all of them understand it with the same meaning.

The first group of people see YOLO as in “You only live once, bro. Have fun while you can. Have the guts to do crazy things. Never worry too much, just enjoy your life like a boss.” These people will try their best to please themselves while they can. They work their ass off to eat, drink, sleep, travel, sing, dance, shop, smoke, and all. I am not saying that these all activities are taboos, but we need to look deeper. What would be their motivations behind it? It seems like they are doing their best in life, their best to achieve self-satisfaction as long as they are still breathing. Since they believe when they die, they die. As if heaven would not provide any better things than this earth could.

The second group of people also agree that they only live once. Except they decide to create meaning towards their lives that will leave legacy after their death. Life is no longer about oneself, but others. They will absorb as much love, kindness, knowledge, energy, and wisdom and spread it around. Yes, of course they would still eat, drink, sleep, travel, like other normal people would do, but it is not their final destination in life. There are things much greater than to live thinking about how to achieve self-happiness, self-satisfaction. These YOLOers will make sure once they die, their positive influences don’t.

Now which kind of YOLO would you adopt? As you are reading this article it means you are still alive, as you are still alive it means you can still make decisions and changes. Last thing that I want to say to you is do not be so afraid to die that you never begin to live.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Top 10 Crimes Leaders Commit

True leaders realize that they need to keep striving to be genuine leaders. It’s all started from the bottom, getting through the uncomfortable process, until they can reach a higher level of leadership they could possibly achieve. During the process leaders must have made mistakes. Some of the mistakes could be acceptable, but some others are just crucial. We need to get to know what are the most dangerous “crimes” committed by leaders in common.

I have conducted a little survey toward some leaders. I took some of the results into consideration in listing the top 10 crimes leaders commit. Here we go:

#1. Prioritizing self-interest over others’
Followers in general can easily determine whether the leader is being selfish or not. Even if the leader is sneaky enough in manipulating others to fulfill their own interests, it will eventually get revealed somehow. Once a leader loses his or her trust from their followers, the organization will be no longer working out. Keep in mind that your role as a leader is to embrace, develop, and protect your followers. Create a collective goal instead of personal goal. Share it around and make sure that your followers know that you are there for them, NOT for yourself.

#2. Acting too much like a boss
Yes, some leaders are to be the boss in the organization. But acting like “a boss” too much can irritate the people. Acting like one also gives you gap in terms of relationship. Followers need a leader who can also be friends with them. In order to be a good friend, a leader must lower himself to be “equal” with the people. There has to be a good listener within the team members. In fact, great leaders do not have to be bossy when they delegate tasks to the people. They know how to make their followers feel comfortable when delegating tasks.

#3. Being indecisive
Leaders cannot not make decisions. There are leaders who just don’t want to take the blame over the consequences of the decision he/she made, and I tell you that it is a crime for sure. Even in the most puzzling situation (a lose-lose situation for instance) leaders still need to decide. There is no such thing as neutrality, since there are always be pros and cons. Therefore, you might say that it is pointless trying to please everybody in the room. Decisions need to be taken precisely and firmly in order to make a good starting point.

#4. Hands down
Having too much interference will not make the people develop well. If we want to see our people grow, we have to be brave enough to let them make mistakes. Leaders should not be too often telling their people how to finish tasks. Let them be amazed with themselves as they eventually see that they can actually stretch out their potential to the maximum level. A great leader tells the followers where to look without telling what to see.

#5. Hands off
According to crime number 4, it is true that leaders should not have too much interference within the process. However, letting the people be out of sight is not a safety thing either. Leaders still need to play their role as a controller in the team. It is very important to make sure that your people are not going to go out of the track. What I am trying to point out is that great leaders know when they need to get in charge and when they need to back off from the process.

#6. Unwilling to serve others
Keep in mind that all individual is the greatest asset. Not money, not reputation, but people. Many arrogant leaders do not have the willingness to serve their followers and end up being disrespected, left out. You lose nothing by inviting your people to come visit your place and serve them with nice refreshment. Or, people would feel much appreciated if their leaders could spare some time to just sit and listen to their problem during any hard time.

#7. Done with learning already
The darkest hole a leader could fall into is the place where he/she thinks that they do not need to learn anymore. Even smart leaders never think that they are smart enough, therefore they will never stop learning. Once they decide to stop learning, apparently they stop growing as well. In fact, learning can be exercised anywhere, anytime. Start to observe little things around us. Observe not only with our eyes but also heart and mind. Wise leaders should never think that they are the most righteous among others.

#8. Getting stuck with status quo
We need to get used to with changes because everything in this world changes. The only thing that does not change is the change itself. If leaders get totally stuck with the existing status quo, they will surely be left behind. The comfort zone that has been settled over years is like killing you slowly but sure. We can hardly notice it, so stay away from our comfort zone by creating changes. And by changes mean improvement. Not every change is an improvement. Be careful that change could be bad or good, but not changing is definitely harmful.

#9. Failed to prepare the next generation
Every leader has the responsibility to create a long term plan regarding the sustainability of the organization. It will be very unfortunate if what has been built in an organization only lasts for couples of years. Good system and culture do not guarantee the success of organization sustainability. The most important thing that needs to be really well prepared is regeneration. The continuity of existing qualified leaders will sustain what has been developed rather than starting from 2-3 steps back every time there is a change in the leadership level.

#10. Having poor family relationship
Imagine that there is a leader who is quite successful in developing his/her company, yet never got time to play with their own children and never had some quality time with their spouse. Would you still recognize him/her as a leader? A great leader will never neglect their family no matter what. Family has to always come first. Those who are able to lead other people, must also be able to lead their family in the first place. Leaders that have poor relationship with their families are actually in a big trouble. They need to think once again what leadership is all about and start fixing their relationship with each family member.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Power of Passion

Are you one of those who’s asking, “Am I safe?”, “What will my future look like?”, “Why am I not happy?” ? If yes, this splash of idea might be worth it for you to read.

Some youngsters live their lives as it is. Go with the flow. Take me where the wind blows. They don’t really seem to have some kind of direction or plan to face the future. Whatever they’re doing, they do it without putting their souls into it. It’s like driving around and around the city, enjoying the landscape, but having no certain destination. And finally, the gas will run out and those people will end up nowhere.

While some others live for wealth. They believe that happiness depends on how much money they have. Having a nice house, good cars, fancy clothes, and delicious food is a must in determining their level of happiness. This group of people is more determined than the first one. They know where to go and they know what they want. Money. The job they look for is the job that promising a position with great amount of cheque. Sometimes, if they are lucky enough, the job suits them enough. They should have no heavy burden to carry the job on. However, in certain cases, the job might lead them nowhere but boredom and even depression instead. The high payment they receive couldn’t just sweep away the pressure they feel.

The list of similar types of people can go on and on and on. Those who search for a job to achieve fame, position, self-pleasure, power, comfort, lust, you name it. Yet, these people have one common thing, it’s that they could never be satisfied with what they have gained. They all might seem happier on the surface compared to the other, but at some point, they will keep wondering where actually their lives are heading to. Eventually, they’ll realize that those things are definitely not the answer they’ve been searching for.

I’ve witnessed such scenario multiple of times in my whole life. And I don’t have to jump into the same hole to know how horrible it is.  Neither do you, fellas! Let’s learn from others and it is never too late to take a U-turn, for a better life.

First of all, we need to re-evaluate our goals in life. Make a goal that is noble and unselfish instead of the “vulnerable” one. “Vulnerable” refers to all the pointless life goals that I have mentioned above. Get rid of those temporary things and start to create a higher standard. You may have your own standard, but to me personally, there is nothing greater than to live your life for others in order to glorify God.

Once “the goal” is set, you might want to determine your passion. Never get mixed up between passion and hobby. A hobby is something you’d love to do without having to lose anything. You do a hobby for fun in your spare time. Whereas passion is something you don’t mind to die for. It is so powerful to drive your life become more alive that you’d make time for it instead of sparing your time for it. You won’t mind sacrificing your resource (time, effort, money, minds, soul) to do something that you’re passionate about. Your passion will become the trigger to make you a better person. That is passion.

Also, don’t get confused between your passion and your talent. You might be born talented with amazing voice, yet it doesn’t necessarily mean singing is your passion. A passion is what you enjoy doing more than anything. And when you’re doing it, it makes you feel like time goes so fast that you don’t feel like you’re working at all. Therefore, a passion should be powerful enough to make you train harder for it until you can master it. You might not be talented with it in the first place, but if it is your passion, it can make you be one.

Now, what if I’m not doing what I love to do at the moment? Well, let’s not be afraid of making extreme changes. Stop for a moment, think, make a decision, leave all the things seem pointless, and start doing “the right thing”. Some people might be against your decision. Let me tell you that it is normal. There will always be pros and cons. But the most important thing is that you need to be firm and open minded in the same time. Thank them for giving you all of their considerations towards your decision (it could mean they still care for you) and later you can explain your reasons to them. The most possible outcome is that there will be a mutual respect happening between you and them. Keep in mind that in order to challenge the status quo, we need to have a strong eagerness.

My expectation is, at the end you’ll find out that your life become much more fun and meaningful by living out your passion. Happiness is far beyond money. Success is not merely about being rich or famous. Don’t be slack with your life that you can measure it with some nominal, it is too damn worthy. Cheers!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Are You with The Right Partner?

During a seminar, a woman asked," How do I know if I am with the right person?"

The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, "It depends. Is that your partner?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?" Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind
replied the author.

Here's the answer.

Every relationship has a cycle… In the beginning; you
fall in love with your partner. You anticipate their calls,
want their touch, and like their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love.

People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet."Picture the expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few months or years of being together, the euphoria of love fades. It's a natural cycle of EVERY relationship.

Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship; you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your partner might start asking, "Am I with the right person?" And as you reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you
may begin to desire that experience with someone
else. This is when relationships breakdown.

The key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person; it's learning to love the person you found.

People blame their partners for their unhappiness and look outside for fulfillment. Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.

Infidelity is the most common. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your relationship. It lies within it.

I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later.

Because (listen carefully to this):

The key to succeeding in a Relationship is not finding the right person; it's learning to love the Person you found.

SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. You have to work on it day in and day out. It takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it demands WISDOM. You have to know
WHAT TO DO to make it work. Make no mistake about it.

Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your partner), Just as there are physical laws Of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. If you know how to apply these laws, the results are predictable.

Love is therefore a "decision". Not just a feeling.

Remember this always: God determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let GO! ♥

By: Ian

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1 Month Challenge

Hey there, I was once brooding over about things in life and came up this random thought. I reckon good deeds are contagious. Once you do good things to others, they'd more likely do good things to other people as well. Starting from the day you read this article, I'm challenging you to do this "experiment" within a month. Trust me, it will cost you nothing.

1st week: Before doing good things to others, I want you to be nice with yourself. Compliment yourself when you've achieved something. Give some pats at the back of yourself when you're down. Forgive your mistakes in the past. Have regular exercise. Eat healthy food. Get enough sleep. Have fun with your life. Remember, it all starts from you. You can never be kind towards others before being kind to yourself.

2nd week: Pay more attention towards the people who are close to you. They could be your family, friends, lovers, teachers, bosses, colleagues, and so on and so on. Seek what they really need and try to help them out. Be good to them as if you don't want to lose them in your life ever. Give them your shoulder to cry on and be a good listener. It shouldn't be that hard since you've had known them well and more likely to have good relationship with the people you're close with.

3rd week: This time is a little bit more challenging. I want you to try your best to do good deeds towards random people (people you never met/knew before). A simple thing like throwing them some sincere smiles will have a serious positive impact towards them. Feel free to greet and say "thank you" to people like cleaning service, gardeners, security, house-maids, waitresses, and even homeless people on the street. By doing good deeds to them, you'll feel different sensation throughout the whole week.

4th week: For some of you, this might seem impossible to do. But I bet you don't want just to stop here, do you? In the very last week, I'd like to challenge you to do any good deeds towards the people you hate or dislike. Treat them nice as if you don't have any hard feeling with them. If you had an unsolved conflict with certain people, a reconciliation would be very encouraged. Make friends with them!

NB: Do it everyday without missing any. Do it sincerely from the bottom of your heart.

At the end, my expectation is, for those of you who decided to take this challenge seriously, we could together make this world as a place flooded with good deeds instead of the evil ones. By doing little things, we could together make so much changes. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Very Close Buddy of Mine

We've been colleagues since the first time we went to UPH. Despite our similarity in a shared vision, I knew there was something different in him. He has the courage to become a world changer more than anyone else. Starting from being responsible and loyal with little things, he has influenced so many people during the 3.5 years in university. I'm quite sure, if he can keep his focus on his vision, he may eventually be able to change this world into a better place to live.

And by chance, he has Jokowi's (the current Jakarta's Governor) look. People think that it's hilarious and i can't agree more bhahaha..

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Leadership Dilemma

Kepemimpinan bisa Anda temukan dimana saja, kapan saja, dengan siapa saja. Jadi, ketika Anda membaca artikel ini, cobalah untuk mengaplikasikannya secara luas. Konteks kepemimpinan yg saya rujuk bukan hanya mengenenai kepemimpinan di organisasi formil (seperti perusahaan, pemerintahan, Gereja, atau pendidikan), tetapi juga menyangkut masalah kepemimpinan di dalam pertemanan, pacaran, maupun keluarga.

Para pemimpin yg ada di dalam area-area tersebut seringkali, secara sadar tidak sadar, menghadapi sebuah dilema umum. Dilema ini saya beri nama Leadership Dilemma. Sebuah dilema yang membuat para pemimpin harus memilih antara achievement atau relationship.

Achievement (Goals)

Setiap pemimpin pasti mempunyai visi, visi yg dirancang sesuai dengan idealisme pemimpin tersebut. Hanya pemimpin itu sendiri yg 100% paling mengerti apa yg mau dicapai. Pemimpin yg berfokus pada achievement (pencapaian) akan berusaha sebaik mungkin memimpin dan mengorganisir pengikutnya supaya bisa mencapai tujuan tersebut bersama-sama. Dalam proses pencapaian ini, pengikut akan mengalami naik turun (kitidak-stabilan kinerja, emosi dan pikiran), maka itu dibutuhkan ketegasan dan konsistensi pemimpin dalam mengerjakannya. Cara pandang berbeda, solusi berbeda, kemampuan berbeda, serta keluhan-keluhan para pengikut tidak akan pernah menjadi alasan pemimpin untuk tidak bisa mencapai tujuan dengan sempurna.

Pada umumnya, jenis kepemimpinan ini tidak mempunyai relationship yang cukup baik (dingin dan kaku) antara pemimpimpin dengan pengikutnya. The absence of tolerance and understanding membuat para pengikut merasa "terpaksa"dalam proses mencapai tujuan. Tidak jarang para pengikut akan mengkritik pemimpimnya sendiri dari belakang, karena pemimpin mereka bukanlah pendengar yg baik dan sulit untuk menerima kritikan dan masukan dari pengikutnya.

Relationship (People)

Sedangkan berfokus kepada relationship berarti berfokus pada orang-orang (pengikut). Seorang pemimpin akan menaruh concern lebih kepada apa yg dirasakan orang-orang sekitarnya dan akan berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk me-maintain hubungan mereka dengan satu sama lain. Hubungan yg ideal merupakan hubungan yg hangat, damai, tulus, jujur, terbuka, tidak kaku, dan tetap ada respect satu sama lain. Hubungan semacam ini dapat dicapai ketika seorang pemimpin mau untuk "terjun" ke bawah menjadi "sejajar" dengan pengikutnya. Dengan menjadi "sejajar", seorang pemimpin akan dapat lebih memahami cara pengikutnya berpikir dan mengerti apa yg pengikutnya rasakan. Hal ini membutuhkan kerendahan hati dan empati seorang pemimpin untuk dapat membangun hubungan yg dekat dengan pengikutnya dengan menjadi pendengar yg baik.

Jenis kepemimpinan ini juga memiliki kekurangan. Pada umumnya, pemimpin yg menerapkan metode ini akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mencapai tujuan. Dalam proses mencapai tujuannya, pemimpin membutuhkan waktu, tenaga, uang, dan kesabaran yg relatif lebih banyak. Seringkali pempimpin dan pengikut menjadi kehilangan fokus dalam mencapai tujuan karena minimnya ketegasan dan konsistensi penerapan prinsip untuk mencapai tujuan.

The Dilemma

Setelah mengenali dua sisi kepemimpinan yang bertolak belakang di atas, menurut Anda, jenis kepemimpinan manakah yang lebih ideal? Yang mana yang akan Anda korbankan? Apakah pencapaian Anda? Atau hubungan Anda dengan orang-orang sekitar?

Budaya Timur yang relatif lebih kaku, identik dengan tipe kepemimpinan yg berfokus pada pencapaian. Sedangkan dalam perkembangan metode kepemimpinan moderen, banyak yg beranggapan hubungan itu lebih penting dan esensial dalam kepemimpinan. In fact, dilemma ini bukanlah sesuatu yg mudah untuk ditentukan karena hal ini bukan merupakan sebuah pilihan hitam dan putih.

Namun menurut saya pribadi, kedua sisi kepemimpinan yg bertolak belakang ini harus mampu dilatih untuk dipersatukan. Adalah sebuah tantangan besar bagi seorang pemimpin untuk mengaplikasikannya secara bersamaan. Tidak ada rumus ataupun metode pasti untuk berhasil, semua membutuhkan keberanian untuk "bereksperimen". Ambillah langkah pertama untuk menentukan langkah kedua, dan langkah kedua untuk menentukan langkah ketiga, dan seterusnya. Ketika berhasil melakukannya, maka akan terjadi sebuah transformasi luar biasa terhadap kepemimpinan pribadi sekaligus kepemimpinan publik.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

God's Greatest Gift

Never once crossed my mind
A girl like her could be mine
A little too scared to put much hope
Protecting my heart from a painful “nope”

The blood’s rushing inside of me
Hearing something that wasn't meant to be
I found out that she had the same feeling too
Someone had to make me believe it was true

Now, we are here together
Starting a new story between me and her
My days are full of her beauty
The beauty that lasts ‘til eternity

Like the sun shining so bright
She’s the one who makes everything right
The sincerity in her smile
Stops me from breathing for a while

She’s my lover and my best friend
I don't want this to reach an end
In winter, spring, summer, and fall
She is God’s greatest gift of all
