Hey there, I was once brooding over about things in life and came up this random thought. I reckon good deeds are contagious. Once you do good things to others, they'd more likely do good things to other people as well. Starting from the day you read this article, I'm challenging you to do this "experiment" within a month. Trust me, it will cost you nothing.
1st week: Before doing good things to others, I want you to be nice with yourself. Compliment yourself when you've achieved something. Give some pats at the back of yourself when you're down. Forgive your mistakes in the past. Have regular exercise. Eat healthy food. Get enough sleep. Have fun with your life. Remember, it all starts from you. You can never be kind towards others before being kind to yourself.
2nd week: Pay more attention towards the people who are close to you. They could be your family, friends, lovers, teachers, bosses, colleagues, and so on and so on. Seek what they really need and try to help them out. Be good to them as if you don't want to lose them in your life ever. Give them your shoulder to cry on and be a good listener. It shouldn't be that hard since you've had known them well and more likely to have good relationship with the people you're close with.
3rd week: This time is a little bit more challenging. I want you to try your best to do good deeds towards random people (people you never met/knew before). A simple thing like throwing them some sincere smiles will have a serious positive impact towards them. Feel free to greet and say "thank you" to people like cleaning service, gardeners, security, house-maids, waitresses, and even homeless people on the street. By doing good deeds to them, you'll feel different sensation throughout the whole week.
4th week: For some of you, this might seem impossible to do. But I bet you don't want just to stop here, do you? In the very last week, I'd like to challenge you to do any good deeds towards the people you hate or dislike. Treat them nice as if you don't have any hard feeling with them. If you had an unsolved conflict with certain people, a reconciliation would be very encouraged. Make friends with them!
NB: Do it everyday without missing any. Do it sincerely from the bottom of your heart.
At the end, my expectation is, for those of you who decided to take this challenge seriously, we could together make this world as a place flooded with good deeds instead of the evil ones. By doing little things, we could together make so much changes. Cheers!